Welcome to the online Maine registration page.
2025 Registration is a 3 step process
Checks and Purchase Orders are now processed through the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE our current address and phone numbers are listed in the "Contact" page. Checks and POs should be made out to University of Southern Maine and include STEM Outreach in the memo line of the check or somewhere on the Purchase Order. Please also include the team name or main coach if it is not the name on the check.
- Team registers using the online form below
- Team either pays online or sends us a Purchase Order/Checks for your team. We will be holding all POs until the week of April 14th. We are doing this so we can avoid refunding modifications to team size, please keep us informed of changes.
But early registration/late registration rates will apply based on when you complete Item 1 above (Team Registration).- Note: if you plan on attending more than 1 meet, ask for an invoice so we can provide a reduced rate.
- Please do not have individual team members write checks to the University of Southern Maine. Please collect these locally and submit either a single check or online payment. Add on registrations are fine, but getting and processing 15 checks for 15 students can be very time consuming at our end.
- Teams will collect the completed and signed Release Agreement for each student and bring them to the track meets and turn them in at meet registration table at the meet.
Checks and Purchase Orders are now processed through the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE our current address and phone numbers are listed in the "Contact" page. Checks and POs should be made out to University of Southern Maine and include STEM Outreach in the memo line of the check or somewhere on the Purchase Order. Please also include the team name or main coach if it is not the name on the check.
Online registration option is below. You do not need to do this if paying by check or purchase order. If paying by check or purchase order, please use the online form below and then send us the check or a copy of the purchase order. If you send the check or purchase order separately, please make sure to indicate what team it is for. Thanks.
Team Online Payment Option
After filling out the online registration form, teams have the option of paying for registration fees online. Teams can go to our 2025 Robot Track Meets - Online Payment page to submit a payment. Users will have to create an account - but just for themselves. This site is intended for summer camp registration, so it may prompt you to create profiles for children as well. You only need to enter information about you (the coach)! All other information is collected in the Online Team Registration Form. When prompted, just fill in the number of team members on your team, and how many additional t-shirts you would like to purchase. Team member t-shirts are included in the registration fee, but coaches' or extra t-shirts are not. Please only indicate how many non-team member (extra) t-shirts you would like to purchase!
Online Team Registration Form
Users can come back to this form using their same email to edit the form at a later time. If that doesn't work and you need to do significant updates, either resubmit all your information below (and we will delete the earlier submission) or if minor changes, just email us with the changes.
Maine Robotics is done in collaboration with the University of Southern Maine